The Conservation and Captive Husbandry of Reptiles, Amphibians, Fish and Invertebrates.
Latest Features
New CITES proposals for CoP19 could affect exotic pet keepers in the UK
EU adds kingsnakes to list of invasive species
The EK Guide to Lighting
Leopard Gecko Care Guide: Everything You Need to Know
Species Spotlight: Budgett’s Frog
Searching for Blue Tree Monitors in the Wild
Species Spotlight: Bumblebee Toad
Terrarium Plant Guide: Tropical Rainforest
Corn Snakes: How did they become so popular?
Changing Tort Behaviours: New Care Advice for Tortoises
10 Do’s and Don’ts For Keeping Mediterranean Tortoises
A Different Kind of Boa: Dumeril’s Boas in the Wild

Bearded Dragons: A New Angle
Learn How Bearded Dragons Live in the Wild
Dr Jonathon Howard (BeardieVet) discusses wild bearded dragons and re-thinking the way we keep these much-loved lizards.

We believe in sustainability and high welfare standards for all animals.
In October 2020, Exotics Keeper magazine was launched with the goal of providing news, stories and information surrounding the care and welfare of exotic animals.
Since that point in time we have released over 20 issues, covered over 100 species, and donated more than £3000 to charities and groups which support and protect exotic species.
Our aim now is to do even more. To grow more. To educate more. To support more.
From Beardies to Boas, Geckos to Gharials, Macaws to Meerkats, and Cichlids to Chameleons. We run the gamut of exotic species so you know there will always be something that interests you.