Growing prospects for exotics insurance in the UK

Global Pet Insurer, Petcover Group has recently acquired the ExoticDirect brand.

ExoticDirect, which is part of Brooks Braithwaite (Sussex) Limited is amongst the few insurance companies that offer policies for exotic pets.

Having access to a reliable insurance policy is thought to have a positive impact on overall animal welfare standards. Currently, a lot of research is going into the correlation between the availability of exotic vets and the general welfare standards of exotic pets to help better inform government strategies on welfare standards. 

It is thought that a wider range of exotics-focused policies will highlight the demand for additional support from vets groups. The subject has recently caused controversy following reports that suggest the British Veterinary Association are in favour of adopting a “positive list” model in the UK.

Petcover Group CEO, Andy Pearce said, “It is an exciting time for Petcover as we expand our offering in the UK Pet Insurance sector. Acquiring Brooks Braithwaite (Sussex) Limited means that we are able to offer the pet lovers of the UK an even bigger selection of insurance products to ensure that their well-loved pets are protected, whether they are at home, with a dog walker, getting a haircut or are on holiday with a boarder.”

The acquisition is also expected to benefit exotics businesses across the UK. Brooks Braithwaite (Sussex) Limited was founded over 30 years ago and over that time has offered Liability Insurance for animal-related businesses, including Animal Clubs, Centres, Shows, Displays and many others. The additional choice of policies may make it much easier for business development within the exotics and zoological sectors.

Petcover operate in Continental Europe, Australia and New Zealand, providing comprehensive pet, equine, exotic and pet business insurance offerings to clients, the company will bring years of knowledge and experience as Brooks Braithwaite merges into the group.

Managing Director, Doug Ford said, “Our aim has always been to take our many years of experience and success in the pet insurance market as far as possible, and to ensure we protect as many pet owners and their special pet friends as we can. Looking at the business and the amazing growth we are experiencing; with award after award recognising our hard work and professionalism, we look forward to welcoming all Brooks Braithwaite customers into the Petcover family.

A bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps)

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